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Real talk….this isn’t a post to get you into starting training before Christmas. This is a post to help you take complete control of your life! Not just around exercise and health.
Every habit change starts with a commitment and a decision. In fact, saying you’ll start exercising in January is okay…IF YOU MEAN IT! It’s okay if you’ve made the decision and you’re committed to starting. But you know yourself…are you just saying it?
How many times have you said “I’ll start Monday” but never do? I’m not here to judge. We all do this at some point over some thing we know we MUST change. But, are you committed, or just coddling yourself?
If you are out of shape or just plain unhealthy, do you want to stay that way? Deep down, no one really wants to be labeled as unhealthy. No one wants to BE unhealthy. Every person who is unhealthy considers making a change at some point every day. But most don’t. Why? Commitment is hard, and many folks shy away from it.
If you want to make a change, you must make a decision and commitment to yourself. Whether you make that commitment today or on a specific date in the future COMMIT to it! Tell someone. And if you don’t have someone, tell me!
At CrossFit Liberate, we have a service called a No Sweat Intro. I encourage people to book it as soon as possible, but if you’re not ready that’s okay. You can book a No Sweat Intro at any time and we’ll be there to help! You only have to do one thing – commit to it and take that first step. There will be bumps along the way. Sometimes we’ll push you, pull you, and even carry you. But we are committed to helping you be the person you want to be! Our amazing community will be right there beside you along your journey, and we can’t wait for you to get started!